Last Thursday started the 14th edition of the Amsterdam Dance Event , the city was packet the clubs full , some of the biggest names of the industry come for a spin at Amsterdam , everyone was happy and gloomy.
Friday i went to Bitterzoet to listen to the Gomma crew and their recent created Gomma Dance Tracks.

One of their big names in the French Golden Bug , really cool live set , and it looked like everyone was having a blast.
One of my favorites is the super cool remix from the track "This Momentary" by Delphic.
Mp3 | Delphic - This Momentary [ Golden Bug remix ]

Moulinex had a very cool start , very disco , cool groves quite impressive , last part was a big complicated and we lost a bit of interest.
Mp3 | Cut Copy - Lights and Music [ Moulinex remix ]
In a general was a good choice and Bitterzoet is recommended for other trips to Amsterdam.

Saturday was the Leeds band Stateless (K7 Records) @ Patronaat , they are in a mini acoustic tour in Holland, i don't think that the partonaat cafe is the most adequate , at same point the crowd voice level combined with some dodgy feed back was so high that we nearly couldn't listen to the great combined voices of Chris James and Justin Percival . The performance was very nice , really liked the drummer David Levin , the guy was having lots of fun and definitely gave an extra to the band performance.
"Bloodstream" one my fav tracks was nearly audible and was a bit of a shame because its such a great song and super lyrics , " Wake up look me in the eyes again , I need to feel your hand upon my face ".
After the concert had time for a few pics a bit chat , i was told that they are preparing a new release around March and that will be a bit more electronic and experimental.
As a tip for the Patronaat , on this tipe of more acoustic performances , maybe a bit more care preparing the room , was a real pity and i thing the guys deserved a bit more.
Stateless give away a free download of an exclusive new acoustic track called Wade In.
Mp3 | Stateless - Wade In
Oct 25 2009 Rotown Rotterdam
Oct 26 2009 Tivoli de Helling