Pictures & Artwork by Dalata
Electronic | Experimental | Ambient | Abstract | Minimal
" Hope To See You Again " - chelonia mydas
Mp3 - Teuk Henri - Esperance
Most people know Teuk Henri from his work with Belgium's avant-popsters Sharko; connoisseurs remember him as a founding member of rock deconstructionists Rawfrucht or from his work as a sideman for Chacda, Grandpiano, Vinz... On his first solo cd, Teuk Henri makes his guitar gently weave sound tapestries of a melacholy not experienced since Harry Dean Stanton looked at Natasja Kinski through a one-way mirror in Wim Wender's "Paris, Texas".

" Manufactures " - minusn - 010
Mp3 - Irish - March
two new releases by the excellent minus n net label from japan, and i believe both artists are not japanese, at least i'm not sure if irish is. irish was part of a rock band named cap-d, but out of growing frustration to be part of that band, he started to make his own music. 'manufactures' was originally released as self-released cdr, but now is re-issued as re-mastered mp3 release. irish uses a computer with all the regular software (pure data, ableton live, cubase) as-well as a yamaha dx21, korg electribe em1 and sounds from his own and kitchen. irish main inspiration is the minimalism and mechanical sound of techno.

" We Are The Dreamers Of Dreams " - EAR027 - 2007
Mp3 - Encephala - I Just
Nate Zuckermans' dream project is a collaborative effort between he and several others who've shared and recorded their dreams. Nate manipulated the vocal recordings of the dreams, sometimes layering them in many colorful ways, added music and made them into songs. the album offers a variety of ever changing stories, perpetually engulfing the listener to extreme surreals and deep emotions, expressed both by the dreamers voices and Encephalas music. this is a truly original idea executed remarkably well.

" Le Fumeur de Ciel " - Type 006 - 2005
Mp3 | Julian Neto - VI (Featuring Keith Kenniff)
Parisian Julien Neto has been an active member of the music scene for some time with releases on various labels under various monikers, so it comes as a surprise then that this is his debut album. However, Neto has taken his time in producing this record, and it shows very clearly that this is not merely a random collection of tracks but a fully- realized work. Like a poem, each track is a verse, and part of a much larger piece. The literary connection does not stop here, Neto based part of the record on the poems of Keats finding a kindred spirit in his deep and moving romanticism. This effortless gravitas is explored cautiously on 'IV,' where sweeping strings and distant piano form the basis of an epic and moving track. tonevendor

" Linienbusse " - Towerblock 025 - 2005
Mp3 | Studio Pankow - Linienbusse
This intensity is ever-present on "Linienbusse", at times nodding towards their familiar fascination with beats and hazy strings, at others developing the session into an effervescent glow of minimalism and velvet ambience that transforms Conjoint's heady jazz fascination into something much more unconscious. on the incredible title track, for instance, this sumptuous reduction takes in a solitary piano that acts as a sparkling, reflective counterweight to the celluloid ambience and fuzzy transmissions that lie beneath. With a title that roughly translates as "regular busses", you get the feeling that somewhere outside this space life carried on at regular pace, but for the duration of these amazing pieces everything very gently slowed down until each single detail and intonation of life became perfectly clear, captured here for posterity. city centre offices

" Mestre fullstop " - CAM0101 - 2008
Mp3 | Nigel Samways - The Last Few Days
Mestre fullstop is 20 minutes of marvelously intricate movements; deep, murmuring field recordings, dischordant crackles and faint mechanical remnances lay naturally underneath bright, gazing wails and pads that trickle gently down on us, inviting us to venture into Nigel Samways' mysterious and blurry tones, memories and images. After such a winter, this is the perfect soundtrack to the slow and creeping growth and reanimation of the fauna.