Women are coragous and brave , they give birth to us , they are our Mothers , still for some reasons all the time we hear how they are continuasly abused , beaten up by their lovely companions .
To be honest i abstein myself from watching the news on the tv becasuse of the amoung of ideous and devilish things you ear about the way women are treated.
Its a cruel being women in this world , its an desadvantage that they are born with , im sure that they will have a bigger satisfaciton when the overcome all those obstacles and become succefull against the man fist.
For all women out there who are depraved of their rights and needs

Because ...

Women are Heroes
Ladies Night Mixtape for International Women's Day
Mp3 | Ane Brun - drowning in those eyes
Mp3 | Elle Sappelle - little flame
Mp3 | Lisa Germano - From A She
Mp3 | Laura Burhenn - Just For The Night
Mp3 | Meg Baird - Do What You Gotta Do
Mp3 | Petra Haden - God Only Knows [ Beach Boys cover ]
Mp3 | Jana Hunter - Babies
Mp3 | Under Byen - Plantage
Mp3 | Tyni - closer
Mp3 | Mice Parade - Double Dolphins
Mp3 | My Brightest Diamond - Disappear [ String Quartet Version ]
Mp3 | Jolie Holland - Springtime can kill you
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