Smashing work of Dutch graphic designer Martijn van Dam with a killer Black Sun Empire track.
Watch | Spacecraft Illustration

Oceansize is a short 3D movie made by 4 students of Supinfocom Arles in 2008, Romain Jouandeau, Adrien Chartie, Gilles Mazières and Fabien Thareau.
Watch | Oceansize

The Filmmuseum Amsterdam and Images for the Future launch Celluloid Remix, an online remix competition with films from the beginning of Dutch film history. Professionals and amateurs are invited to remix exceptional Dutch cinematographic material from the period 1917-1932 into new short films with their own soundtrack.
More info visit Celluloid Remix

Fluid Architectures
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Opening 29 May 18:30 hrs
From 30-05-2009 until 16-08-2009
Annja Krautgasser, Walter Langelaar, Jan Robert Leegte, Dirk Lüsebrink/Joachim Sauter, Mader Stublic Wiermann, Michael Najjar, Mark Napier, Marnix de Nijs, Stanza, Pablo Valbuena
In the movie Metropolis from 1926, director Fritz Lang created the vision of a futuristic 21st century mega-city. Now that we have crossed the threshold of this century our reality makes that vision seem strangely old-fashioned as new sets of factors unconsidered by Lang move to shape the future of our urban spaces. It is now ubiquitous computer networks, information delivery in real time and new display technologies which are the key elements transforming the face of our urban living spaces. Through them a space is taking shape whose manifestations merge the virtual and the physical. Essayist Florian Rötzer talks in this context of a “digital urbanism” whose salient features are „dispersal, decentralisation, valorisation of interiority, globalisation, individuality and mobility“.
These factors shape a networked society and a 'space of flows” which generate new dimensions for imagination and action no longer concurrent with the old geographies and topographies.Nimk

Crossing a city of sounds
From June 26th until July 26th 2009 in Mons , Belgium
Open from 12am to 6pm, closed on monday. Free entrance.
For its seventh edition, City Sonics invades the city center of Mons with over thirty installations and environments. Once more, the festival questions sound and matter and listens to its stories about us and others, about here and there, about the sounds of the world and their sweet opposites.
On twelve locations, “indisciplinary” artists offer creations and dialogues with visitors of all ages and categories. This temporary enchantment of the city is poetic resistance against the dark planetary times that are upon us and the chaosounds that aggress us daily. Sound is a fantastic medium that addresses our body and senses: there is no need to be a music lover or contemporary art expert to enjoy these works of sound.
The path chosen by the sound pirates of City Sonics invites you on a stroll through space/time, created by these works in what becomes a space of permanent metamorphose.

For the past twenty years, Michael Joaquin Grey has been creating work that extends and plays with the boundaries of art, science and media. His investigations center on the development and the origins of life, language and form - as related to natural and complex systems. Critical moments in natural phenomenon and culture are objects in his work, as are the prepositional states of change between matter, energy, behavior, and meaning. Grey's creative dialogue engages epistemological and pedagogical creative limitations of the tools and processes we use to observe, learn and play with our world.
Watch | Past Proprioception (2007) , excerpt

Grid Index is the first comprehensive visual lexicon of patterns and grid systems. Based upon years of research, artist and musician Carsten Nicolai aka alva noto has discovered and unlocked the visual code for visual systems into a systematic equation of grids and patterns. The accompanying CD contains all of the grids and patterns featured in the publication from the simplest grids made up entirely of squares to the most complex irregular ones with infinitely unpredictable patterns of growth, as editable vector graphic data files. Use it to map out the underlying grids of any image or form and to create recurring geometrical grids in graphic design - an essential reference for designers, visual artists, architects, researchers and mathematicians.
More info @ Raster Noton

We are very pleased to present you with the new album from The Fiery Furnaces! I’m Going Away is an album of 70’s sunshine-glazed piano pop, filled with cascading note slides, head-nodding grooves and some of the sweetest melodies in their seemingly endless arsenal of musical ideas. Indeed, I’m Going Away, which is easily an instant classic in the band’s expansive repertoire, is The Fiery Furnaces like you’ve never heard them before, providing amazing new insight into the work of this effortlessly innovative duo. Thrill Jockey
Mp3 | The Fiery Furnaces - The End is Near

This striking new video for the Wild Beasts forthcoming single, Hooting & Howling is just in. Hooting and Howling is the first track from the Wild Beasts forthcoming album, Two Dancers.
You can also download a free remix of the song by Debukas ahead of release, right now. Check out details below to download
Watch | Wild Beasts - Hooting & Howling