Last Saturday was the first edition of Club Tarantula in the Storing Haarlem , hats of to the organizers, an excellent selection of music and a great ambient almost like a small flavor of the epic parties in the Phoenix 13.
Everything was good, as expected The Anomalys were freaking awesome, the dj's were Joost from ET Explore Me and Dj Ted, both superb and i dance my socks of.
Haarlem needs more nights like these guys, next one please :)
Last time i saw the Amsterdammers The Anomalys was in the Sleazefest and it was late and i was pissed, i think it was late because when they finished as far as i can remember was daylight, all i remember is people jumping all over the place, the drummer having a violent monologue with the drums, the guitar making sonic riffs and the lead singer climbing up the walls and playing harmonica, stuning to say the least.
This time it was early i had fever and only two beers before the concert started, the scenario was repeated but this time i could flavor almost every drop of sweet that was flying from the stage, outstanding Memme sets the pace and bangs on that drums with speed light frenzin, guitarist Potlood`is all over the place like a flying acrobat and Bone gives the coordinates. I guess the point is taken... go see them live its a frocking blast
The Anomalys "self-titled" debut album is now out on Slovenly Recordings and is good as they are on stage, pure Rock N Roll, Garage-Punk and it was a long time since i heard something as good and solid on stage and on record.
Mp3 | The Anomalys - Anomalys Now
Mp3 | The Anomalys - Fatal Attraction
Watch | The Anomalys - Sex
USA Tour August 2010
12 Las Vegas - Shakedown
17 Seattle - Funhouse
18 Portland - tba
21 San Francisco - Total Trash
22 San Francisco - Total Trash
24 Chico - tba
27 Reno - Lincoln Lounge
28 Jub Jub's - D.P.W. Pxrty
And because sometimes the last is not the least and often is the best ... Miss Whip