Brand new music video from the Los Angeles based garage rockers Calvin Sisters, the "Searching Through The Past" 7" is out on Suicide Squeeze.
“We had to wake up at 4 a.m. to get to Santa Clarita by 5 a.m. for sunrise and got to see the eclipse on the way up. Originally we had wanted horses in the video so that’s why this spot was chosen. There was a graveyard there I had known about, but didn’t know if we would be able to get in it. We did by crossing a barbed wire fence and climbing a huge hill. When we got up there the gates swung open on their own. By the last shot my heel had completely broken off so I was balancing on one heel trying to make it look normal. My sister and I agreed that climbing over mountains in four-inch heels is the hardest workout we’ve ever had.” Jennifer Calvin
Watch | Bleached - Searching Through The Past