" Confuse the Marketplace " - DFA - 2007
Dance Punk / Electro / Disco House
Following the success of the smash sophomore album, Sound of Silver, Lcd Soundsystem gives us the Confuse the Marketplace vinyl-only EP, right on the heels of the commercial release of his disco-epic 45:33. The EP consists of three tracks, all previously unavailable in North America and all aimed directly at the dancefloor. The sensational "Freak Out/Starry Eyes" is a soulful two-part jam laced with heavy congas and soothing vocals that continues in the same cosmic disco vein as 45:33. Also included is "North American Scum," subtitled "Onanistic Dub" and remixed by James Murphy and longtime DFA studio engineer Erick Broucek. Percussion-heavy track "Hippie Priest Bum-Out" completes the trio, emphasizing Murphy's long-apparent love of all things drum-related. Insound
Mp3 | Lcd Soundsystem - Freakout Starry Eyes
Mp3 | Lcd Soundsystem - North American Scum [ Onanistic Dub ]

Now that we are talking about the DFA , its about time to take out of the pocket one of the best kept secrets. One of my favorites out of the James Murphy & Company Label DFA , ive been rocking "Thats the Way i Like it" for a long time , just can't get enought of it.
The good news are , they are back in studio and maybe new stuff will come out this year. Cant Wait ...
Pixeltan are a band consisting of Devin Flynn, Mika Yoneta (both also of Plate Tectonics, along with Adam drummer from Olneyville Sound System) and drummer Hisham Bharoocha (ex-Black Dice). The Pixeltan project was actually begun with DFA in 2001 and the DFA produced track Itchy Cable was completed for inclusion on the Troubleman compilation Mix Tape. But things got sidetracked, for both Pixeltan and DFA. They released a self-produced EP on Troubleman, Devin and Mika formed the free-form hip hop band Plate Tectonics and Hisham got busy with dual careers in Black Dice and as a artist and designer. In April of 2004, after Hisham left Black Dice and DFA reconnected with Devin and Mika, the never-finished tracks were revisited and work commenced once again, as the rediscovered tunes now sounded more relevant than ever. The results include the A Side "Get up / Say What," a DFA remix of 2 Pixeltan tracks that contain some of the subbiest, dubbed out death-disco ever to emerge from the DFA studios.
Mp3 | Pixeltan - Thats The way i like it
Mp3 | Pixeltan - Get Up Say What

" Our Sleepless Forest " - Resonant - 2008
Experimental / Ambient / Psychedelic
Absolutely stunning debut album of ambient electronic space rock from a Frighteningly young three-piece from South London .
Our Sleepless Forest music is multi-layered, complex and dense, yet dedication and attention are rewarded as the intricate slow-build melodies are revealed beneath the feedback, crackle and hiss. Reminiscent at times of the likes of Loscil or even Radiohead's more out-there moments but on the whole avoiding the predictable comparisons associated with music of this genre, this is an album that simply has to be heard.
One of the best albums of the year . A must Have .
Mp3 | Our Sleepless Forest - The Clarion
Mp3 | Our Sleepless Forest - White Bird

" J'accuse Ted Hughes / Agnès B Musique " - SYR - 2008
Post- Rock / Experimental
Another great instalment in Sonic Youth SYR series, this one features two engrossing, lengthy pieces : 'J'Accuse Ted Hughes' and 'Agnes B Musique'. The former was recorded at All Tomorrow's Parties 2001, when the band were premiering material from their NYC Ghosts & Flowers album, and takes the form of a ragged twenty-two minute noise jam featuring free association lyrics by Kim Gordon ("I sent my poem to Good Housekeeping. They paid me ten dollars" she imparts). Meanwhile, the more composed, studio based experiments of 'Agnes B Musique' were originally intended as a soundtrack work as part of a collaboration with the French designer of the title. Sadly, the project never saw completion, instead surfacing some five years later as this incredible eighteen minute B-side, featuring the production and performance of then-bandmember Jim O'Rourke, who helps sculpt the piece into something more dynamic and more fully formed than the anything-goes droner it might have otherwise been. Awesome stuff - Highly recommended. Boomkat
Mp3 | Sonic Youth - Agnes B Musique

New awesome video instalacion by Maxim Zhestkov
Watch | Maxim Zhestkov Advanced Beauty

New short film by Blu , an ambiguous animation painted on public walls. Made in Buenos Aires and in Baden (fantoche)
Watch | Muto

The French riots of 2005 inspired the photographer Denis Darzacq to head for the housing estates on the outskirts of the capital. But he wasn't after gritty shots of urban deprivation, he tells Angelique Chrisafis. He wanted something more - to capture an entire generation in freefall and with no one to catch them.

This an incredible website ... enter , Zune Journey , choose Videos , click old with your mouse and enjoy the tryp.
29/05 Opening Maxalot Art Gallery Amsterdam with Kozyndan
01/06 Gabriel Rios - Bloemendaal Openluchttheater Caprera
02/06 Cat Power - Paradiso
12/06 Fuck Buttons - Patronaat / Haarlem
15/06 Joan as Police Women - Melkweg
23/06 Vladislav Delay w/ Moritz von Oswald Crew - Bimhuis
30/06 Battles - Patronaat / Haarlem
06/07 Cansei de Ser Sexy / Midnight Juggernauts / The Presets - Paradiso