Mp3 | Bloc Party - banquet [ Phones edit ]
Mp3 | Broken Social Scene - Deathcock
Mp3 | Clap your hands say yeah - Satan Said Dance
Mp3 | Digitalism - Pogo [ Cansei de Ser Sexy mix ]
Mp3 | Franz Ferdinand - Outsiders [ Isolee mix ]
Mp3 | Giant Robot - Public=Shopping
Mp3 | Ladytron - Seventeen [ Soulwax mix ]
Mp3 | The American Analog Set - The Green Green Grass [ Telefon Tel Aviv mix ]
Mp3 | The Coral Sea - More Than You Know
Mp3 | Tortoise & Bonnie Prince Billy - Thunder Road
Mp3 | Union of Knives - Opposite Direction
Mp3 | You Say Party! We Say Die! - What's The Hold-Up, Where's The Fire
Download full Audiopleasures Mixtape

Tina Frank is a »visual artist« – her name is internationally known as a synonym for experimental design as well as visualisations of music/for music.
Her roots are in cover designs for electronic music label Mego during the mid 1990's when she also started to work with digital realtime-visualisation, video & multimedia. Taschen Books listed Tina Frank in their book Graphic Design for the 21st Century among the top 100 graphic designers worldwide.
Performances and contributions to exhibitions, such as Ars Electronica, Linz; Centre Pompidou, Paris; or ICC, Tokyo, and many interviews in magazines are evidence of Tina Frank’s activities as a design and video artist.
The video chronomops received first prize in 2006 at »diagonale 06« for best innovative, experimental-, animation- or shortfilm 2005/2006

Watch | Chronomops
The doors of perception, electronic style. Tina Frank’s Chronomops opens doors to truly different dimensions: different than digital art’s reductionist studies so common today, different than the serially laid out minimalist images, and different than the omnipresent filtering and layering experiments. Chronomops opens up a shimmering, colorful space that is simultaneously an excess of color, frenzy of perception, and pop carousel. An abstract architecture of vertical color bars is set in endless rotation, whereby the modules and building blocks fly around themselves—and the entire system likewise rotates. The forced movement forms a digital maelstrom whose suction pulls the observer deep into it. Sixpacfilm

Watch | Aus
audio: Christian Fennesz , production: Mego , video: Skot
Irritation and layovers are the main technical aspects within »Aus«. Scratches and the graininess of the found footage (Super 8 film) are heavily exposed and emphasised. This can be seen within some kind of plastic ’extensibility’ or ’liquefaction’ of old movies by means of computers. The images are rhythmized along with the music moving forward and backward in single frames like being “scratched”.
It is important that one can see the framing and the projection itself; the possible manipulation und fragility of the chosen movies are central, fitting perfectly to the slightly melancholic music. In this way the video tells of saying goodbye: of memories and untroubled quality of the material, in the end of »old« media and its representation of the world.
¬ about skot
Mathias Gmachl and Tina Frank started collaborating under the name of Skot in 1997. “Playing and working with recorded visual material on the basis of live sampling and live construction of new forms of visual media” was their aim. Skot is no longer active since 2000

Full length version of the video for The Emperor Machine - "Kananana", single released on 25th May 2009. Video directed by Cassiano Prado .
Watch | The Emperor Machine - Kananana
As a bonus , a awesome remix that Emperor Machine did for !!!
Mp3 | !!! - Must be the Moon [ Emperor Machine Mix ]

Anthony Lister is an Australian-born painter and Installation artist. He has been featured in exhibitions in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, as well as had solo shows in New York City and London, England. He is notable within the Low Brow Art Movement and has been featured on Juxtapoz.com and FecalFace.com.He currently resides in Brooklyn, New York City.
Lister's work suggest influences from a number of areas and genres, including street art, expressionism, pop art, and contemporary drug culture. It often deals with subject matter from popular culture, reflecting the less glamorous aspects. He occasionally draws from television and such themes as the "misguided role models" that result. He has said that "Australians are raised by Americans on TV" and also that "TV is the contemporary mode of meditation" Wikipedia

Awesome Animation .
Here it is , I present to you WOOD a music video Simon and I did for my band the Dead Pirates , it took us around 4 month of joy and tears of happiness . We had the chance to get some big help from Dr Mushroom , Mooe and Asterokid , and of course from the Mill who produced it . Sit back , relax , put your hand down your pants and enjoy .(
Watch | Dead Pirates - Wood

Flaming lips cover Madonna , Borderline , the video looks super.
Watch | The Flaming Lips with Stardeath and White Dwarfs - Borderline

A spectacular new image of an unusual spiral galaxy in the Coma Galaxy Cluster has been created from data taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. It reveals lots of new details of the galaxy, NGC 4921, as well as an extraordinary rich background of more remote galaxies stretching back to the early Universe.
Watch | Hubblecast # 26

Miss Kittin (Caroline Hervé) & The Hacker (Michel Amato). Individually, as writers, artists, Djs and producers they are impressive. On the brand new album, "Two", together again as a duo, they are unrivalled.
It's been far too long since the release of their era-defining classic "1st Album", but wait no more, dear music lover, for they are back with a bang. And you'd better believe, it's a big, cosmic "bang".
"1000 Dreams" reflects just one style on an album crammed full of ideas, songs, sounds, influences, hues and textures.
Watch | Miss Kittin & The Hacker - 1000 Dreams

Ghost Bikes are small and somber memorials for bicyclists who are killed or hit on the street. A bicycle is painted all white and locked to a street sign near the crash site, accompanied by a small plaque. They serve as reminders of the tragedy that took place on an otherwise anonymous street corner, and as quiet statements in support of cyclists' right to safe travel.
The first ghost bikes were created in St. Louis, Missouri in 2003, and they have since appeared in over 80 cities throughout the world. For those who create and install the memorials, the death of a fellow bicyclist hits home. We all travel the same unsafe streets and face the same risks; it could just as easily be any one of us. Each time we say we hope to never have to do it again -- but we remain committed to making these memorials as long as they are needed.

From 2727 B.C. to the present, Weeds presents a brief history of cannabis.
Watch | History of Weed