Future Shorts is one of the leading and most innovative short film labels. Since 2003, Future Shorts has created a rapidly expanding network that allows filmmakers the opportunity to have their work seen on the largest theatrical platform worldwide. Passionately believing in getting short films seen and creating a culture around the medium, Future Shorts is recognised by filmmakers, the industry and press alike as the cutting-edge short film label. Future Shorts is a worldwide film festival as well as a distributor, sales agent, consultancy service and DVD label. This is fresh cinema- Future Shorts.
Future Shorts Exhibition works as a worldwide short film festival providing an alternative system to the traditional film festival model. Filmmakers have the chance to get their work seen all over the world from just one submission. Films that are selected to join our monthly programme are currently being shown at 20 UK venues both theatrical and non-theatrical with a minimum of 10 further cities scheduled to join the network in 2007.
The international network currently comprises of more than 100 cities and 25 countries worldwide conducting regular Future Shorts screenings. Future Shorts Exhibition aims to provide an alternative cinematic experience, where screenings are often accompanied by other multimedia elements including live music and rescores, performers and installations. Future Shorts
Amsterdam , 28 May @ 301

Super cool video from the Passion Pit debut Lp Manners .
Watch | Passion Pit - The Reeling

"Firework Drawings" These large works on paper are made by exploding and containing live fireworks, resulting in bursts of saturated color that are overlaped and collaged into abstract compositions. Rosemarie Fiore

Lights on is an audio visual performance created for the Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Austria, which has a facade that contains 1085 LED controllable windows. The windows' colors are changed in realtime with music that's broadcasted on speakers surrounding the building.
visuals coded in openframeworks by zachary lieberman, joel gethin lewis and damian stewart (yesyesno). music by daito manabe, with support from Taeji Sawai and Kyoko Koyama. we made this in three days :)
the performance is approximately 10 minutes long. this is an edit. also, we've recorded the output from the software (audio / OSC) and this performance can be replayed in the future for events, etc.
Watch | Lights On
Watch | Lights On2

(Unofficial): Edited with footage from Albert Lamorisse's "La Ballon Rouge" (The Red Balloon), and music from Grizzly Bear's "Veckatimest". It's been a while since my last video, but this one, I couldn't resist. All credits go to the beautiful footage and the equally beautiful song.
Watch | Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

A free and popular event
The musicians are asked to perform for free, and all the concerts are free for the public. It’s the reason why they are used to play in open air areas as streets and parks or in public buildings like museums, train stations, castles… Furthermore, the FĂȘte de la Musique is a way to encourage the major music institutions (orchestra, operas, choirs, etc.) to perform outside their usual locations. This kind of institutions can also welcome other types of music. In this way it offers an opportunity to develop exchanges between city centres and their outlying areas, to offer concerts in hospitals or in prisons, to promote encounters and exchanges between young musicians and well-known talents.
19 June , free concerts , Alva Noto [ Raster-Notion ] , Chloe [ Kill the Dj ] , Byetone , Darko
@ Recyclart Brussels

Human-generated electromagnetic waves are traveling over, around and through us all the time. Wifi, cellphones, radio, and television broadcast all create electromagnetic fields that are 'loud' compared to the natural background, but imperceptible to the human senses. This invisible world is alive with activity that directly reflects our growing relationship to and dependence on, technology.
With specialized devices sensitive to changes in electromagnetic fields, detected changes are converted into electrical signals and a unique landscape of sound and structure is slowly uncovered. Snarling wires pulsate and grow in wild masses, cellular-like forms explode as bit torrents download files, and subtle reeds dance and dangle as cellular phone signals cross the room.
Watch | Waves to Waves

One consciousness involves the creation of a culture. And this is made by means of a process. If we wish it, the videoart can be consolidated like one of the most important artistic expressions of our days. It’s only necessary the desire of hundreds of persons around the world.
We’ll celebrate the “International Day of the Videoart”, next 22th of June. It’s an initiative of Optica Festival. From here, we invite you to take part of this event with your friends or individually, there where you’re.
Our goal is that the greater number of people celebrates and/or values the importance of the audiovisual culture, during this day.
It’s a question of making a photo of you or a group of people, and to send it to us by e-mail later. With the received photos, we’ll create a report of all things that happen this day around the world.
If you’re interested in participating, you can send us an e-mail with your full name, city and country at videoart.day@opticafestival.com. Culture Tv

The Clock Clock , by Swedish designers Humans since 1982 , made of 24 individual clocks, features 48 electronically-controlled analog clock hands which automatically rotate into the proper positions to tell you times
Watch | The Clock Clock

Precare is operating as an intermediator between property-owners of temporary vacant premises and artistic or social initiatives in need of workspace.
Since its origin PRECARE has been opening forteen buildings - for a period of six months to five years - and providing over a hunderd initiatives with a workspace.
Due to this success Precare is now also starting up in London, Barcelona and Milan.
Precare is a simple and efficient instrument to strengthen urban creative initiatives by reusing abandoned buildings as workspaces. PRECARE facilitates the 'intermediary use' of abandoned buildings. It not only provides a solution for the need for workspaces in the creative sector, it also creates a positive dynamic in neighbourhoods suffering from abandoned real estate.
After a first phase of informal support, (1999 - 2003 ), and a second more systematic laboratory phase in which instruments were designed, tested and disseminated ( 2003 - 2005 ), Precare has been working in a structural way on the actual use of a series of creative workspaces in empty buildings for almost two years. Precare