Dutch Government to cut spendings on arts,culture and raise tax on cultural events from 6 to 19%.
"With grossly disproportionate budget cuts to arts and cultural funding ahead of us, and political rhetoric at an all-time low, it's time to make ourselves heard. This Saturday, people will mobilize themselves nationwide to show just how much they care about the arts. Join!
Nederland schreeuwt om cultuur
In 65 Dutch cities and towns, people will come together and raise their voice for the preservation of arts and culture. The looming budget cuts are completely out of proportion, and in sharp contrast to the inherent belief prevalent in civilized societies that the arts are a necessity and valuable in themselves. Make yourself heard and raise your voice to protect the arts and culture.
When, where?
Amsterdam will be organizing itself on the Leidseplein at 15.30. For those who don't live in or around Amsterdam, your or a neighboring city or town is sure to be organizing something too. Check the initiative's website for a full list of cities and meeting points throughout Holland, or for more information about the cuts and why you should participate."