The best monday in the history of mondays, i was super excited about Black Lips but when i heard my long time favorites the Dutch Haarlem Fuzz-Garage trio ET Explore Me was gonna open the night then something out of the normal was going to happen.
Et Explore Me Haarlem prodigal sons made a savage set, there was distortion everywhere but we are in a basement in a garage music night in a sort of "Clash of Titans" so we couldn't ask for a better atmosphere, Jeroen bass was like a Kalashnikov that was crawling up and down the Trouw, Joost the usual class and the Jeroen the drummer nothing to say except a focking machine.
Black Lips from the first second till the last was pure mayhem, excitement and the antichrist on the loose, the usual tons of body's flying around and happy faces, the guys were treated like "Gods" and they give Trouw a night not to forget, some new tunes from their upcoming album plus the classics, when they played "Bad Kids" trouw went absolute mutters, after the last tune they couldn't escape and their were hugs and smiles and i heard loads of "OH my God i can't believe i touched Jared ", basically was a return to Amsterdam as real heroes.
Watch | Black Lips - Modern Art
Watch | E.T. Explore Me - Dance I Say