Awesome documentary about the ubbercool US garage movement, a must see, a fest for the eyes and ears.
"Long proven as ardent supporters of the niche scene of one of rock’s most exciting subgenres, garage, Scion A/V made its first foray into feature length documentary with New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times, this past November. The label is pleased to announce that the film, once limited to the digital online realm, is going to be presented in select theaters across the country in exclusive engagements free to the public on a strictly first come first served basis. The list of screening cities and locations follow below.
After a brief nod to garage’s humble beginnings amongst American youth in Detroit during the 1960s and its contribution and influence on ’80s punk, New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times focuses on the scintillating present. As it pans trans-nationally, the camera profiles artists like the late Jay Reatard, Black Lips, The Dirtbombs, Thee Oh Sees, Smith Westerns, Vivian Girls and many more in an attempt to understand not only the exponential ascent of garage rock’s popularity but the reason these people feel so passionately about it. A wide-eyed glimpse into a musical movement, the film is as much about the music as it is about the people contributing to the distinct scenes of the San Francisco, Oakland, Detroit, New York, Memphis, Atlanta, and Portland garage communities.
VBS directors Joseph Patel and Aaron Brown worked with producer/journalist Mike McGonigal to offer a particularly in depth examination of a multi-dimensional and often misunderstood slice of popular culture unfolding in front of us. New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times is a candid snapshot of this magically vibrant moment in rock history, inspirational and brimming with DIY purity."
Watch | Scion A/V Presents the New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times